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Jan 15, 2019

PLACEBO (BE) - 1973

Placebo (Be) -1973 - 1973

Hot on the heels of Miles Davis and Nucleus, PLACEBO was the first Belgian group to advance in jazz-rock territories. Leader Marc Moulin (already a veteran by the early 70's since he started in 63 with saxman Scorier) was the main composer of this rather large group (they had a four-man brass section) somewhere between Nucleus and a funky Chicago Transit Authority but with that bizarre and sometimes weird/silly Belgian spirit/absurdism. 

Placebo (Be) -1973 - 1973

Bolkwush 4:40
Temse 4:40
Phalène 7:50
Balek 4:20
Polk 3:20
Only Nineteen 3:50
Red Net 5:40
Re-Union 5:20

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